Certified Nutritionist, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Chios Master Teacher, Chios Master of Healing Consciousness - Helping and Healing ... Mind, Body and Spirit
We are all beautiful beings of energy made up of the cosmos itself with such a beautiful opportunity to learn through our experiences. It is when you quiet the mind and take an observers perch on your own thoughts and your own life that you will be able to See and Know Who and What you truly are. Having an open mind and heart and the willingness to Know the Truth and when I say Truth I mean the Truths that will always be True now and in 1000 years in the future. Those Truths will always be true no matter when they are realized by you. Right now there is a consciousness awareness awakening going on worldwide that will aid in the transformation of our entire planet and future(s). As you learn more about your Self you are truly learning more about Who and What you truly are and are then able to see things anew. I know it is easy for us to get caught up in the “day-to-day” activities and distractions or dramas that are playing out in front of us continuously … but it is only when you stop being in the “distractions” and find your time to look inward.. perhaps during meditation… that you are able to begin. That quiet … is where you find the answers to the questions you did not know you had. That is a good place to start. Meditation is the deep breathing quiet time dedicated to No thought.. which in itself sounds empty but the Truth is it is just the opposite. We are all connected everywhere … always …